Hello! (以下に日本語に翻訳しております!)

Recently, we have been receiving multiple inquiries from foreign countries, such as North America, Australia, Malaysia, Hong Kong and France.  Weddings are becoming more global!   
In most cases, one of the couples is Japanese; however, both are foreign residents this time.  They are originally from New Zealand, currently living in Australia.  They said, “We just like Japan so much!”  It is such a wonderful thing to hear!

We were first contacted by email, and we started planning details over LINE calls and emails.  When a couple visited Kyoto early this year, I had an opportunity to show them different wedding ceremony sites, reception sites, hair salon, etc. They were actually able to try food at the restaurant where they intended to have their reception!  We, the Bride, Groom, translator, and the wedding planner, were on a mini sight-seeing tour!
Their wedding ceremony was held at a World Heritage site, Ujigami Shrine !!  The reception site was a long-established, well-known restaurant “Seiwaso ~Kyoto Cuisine~” !!  

AND!!  It was amazing and exciting that most of their 30 guests flew from abroad to celebrate their wedding!!!  Wow!!!
In the morning of their wedding, all guests were on the charter bus transferring to Ujigami Shrine!  In the bus, they all enjoyed breakfast that was prearranged by the bride and groom! What a thoughtful idea! 

The wedding ceremony was an exceptional cultural experience for everyone!  Later, photoshoots of friends and families were taken by the professional photographer! 
Once they arrived to the reception site, Seiwaso, the welcome party started!!  All guests enjoyed the breathtaking Japanese garden where they had an authentic, Japanese green tea and sweets while listening to a live koto performance! 

Then, actual reception party began by traditional wedding ritual called, mizuawasenogi ! 

Of course, for the toast with sake, we cannot miss the celebration ceremony, Kagami-Biraki !! Then followed by wedding cake cutting and the dance performance by Maiko and Geisha!

The wedding and the reception was carefully planned with the couple’s heartwarming, omotenashi-spirit in mind!  The bride and the groom had their wedding ceremony in Kyoto and shared the joy and happiness with their friends and families! 
Everything from the ceremony at the world heritage shrine to the cerebration dinner while introducing the Japanese tradition and culture turned out to be an amazing experience for everyone!  I could see how much the couple cared for all the guests were enjoying the special event!!  It was such a memorable wedding ceremony and a touching reception filled with laughter and tears.
On behalf of the entire wedding planning team, once again, I would like to congratulate this couple and wish them much happiness years to come!!!
We are looking forward to seeing them again!  Maybe in Australia next time!




結婚式場は世界遺産の「宇治上神社」、ご祝宴は京都を代表する老舗料亭「京料理 清和荘」!!
挙式場へは、大型観光バスをご移動! 車中では、新郎新婦様より朝食をご用意!

乾杯はもちろん、これでしょ!「鏡開き」です! そして、もちろんオーダーウエディングケーキへご入刃も!
感動の挙式! 笑いと涙のご披露宴! ご結婚おめでとうございました!!