We were very excited to receive message from the couple who had a wedding at Toyokuni Shrine on October 16 2019.
Name / Bride ( Lani )
Name / Groom ( Kenneth )
Location of Wedding Ceremony / Toyokuni Shrine
☆☆☆ Message ☆☆☆
● What was the important factor(s) in deciding to choose us over our competitors?
The options that were available in the package were nice.
The infomation & videos on the website were also nice. The price for the package was also great.
● Please provide your input on the wedding ceremony site and/or the reception site.
The ceremony site was amazing!
It was really great to be at the Toyokuni Shrine, especially since there wasn’t many crowds/people there. It was very nice & intimate.
● Please give us your comment/message to your wedding planner.
Thank you so mauch for everything! Umekisan has made this day so special for us.We appreciate all that you have done for us, from the rehearsal/fitting to the end of the ceremony.
It wouldn’t have been as special without you!
● What was your overall experience with our company and Please write a message to the couple who are currently looking for the wedding ceremony site and/or wedding produce company.
Create-Wedding has been such a great experience! With the help of Shinji Umeki, everything
went so smoothly. It felt like a luxurious experience that every couple shoud experience in Kyoto.
Create-Wedding is hiqhly recommended for a lovely intimate experience.
● 弊社をご利用いただいたきっかけ、ご決定いただいた理由をお聞かせくださいませ。
● 挙式場 又は 披露宴会場の感想をお聞かせくださいませ。
挙式を行なった豊国神社は、とにかく素晴らしいところでした! 特に、訪問者が多すぎず混雑していなかったのがすごく良かったのと、とても落ち着いた雰囲気の素敵な神社でした。
● 担当プランナーへメッセージをお願いします。
本当に何からなにまで、どうもありがとうございました! 梅木さんのおかげでとてもスペシャルな挙式日を迎えることができました。
● 現在、結婚式場(又は、プロデュース会社)を検討されておられる方々へアドバイスをお願いいたします。
クリエイトウェディング社には、本当に素晴らしい対応をしていただきました! 梅木慎二さんの万全なサポートにより全てがスムーズにいきました! 他のカップルの皆さんにもぜひ体験していただきたい京都でのラグジュアリーなウェデイングです。 素敵でインティメートな雰囲気の挙式をお考えの方々に、クリエイトウェディングをイチオシでおすすめします。