10月22日 岡崎神社にて挙式を挙げられたお客様より、メッセージをいただきました。
新郎様 ( Kevin 様 )/ 新婦様 ( Jealline 様 )
挙式 / 岡崎神社 Location of Wedding Ceremony / Okazaki Shrine
祝宴 / 山ばな平八茶屋 Location of Wedding Reception / Yamabana Heihachi Jaya
☆☆☆ メッセージ ☆☆☆
● 弊社をご利用いただいたきっかけ、ご決定いただいた理由をお聞かせくださいませ。
● What was the important factor(s) in deciding to choose us over our competitors?
Word of mouth, social media, and great communication
● 挙式場 又は 披露宴会場の感想をお聞かせくださいませ。
● Please provide your input on the wedding ceremony site and/or the reception site.
Both Okazaki Shrine & Yamabana Heihachi Jaya were beautiful locations. All the staff were very kind and
welcoming to us, our family, and our friends.
● 担当プランナーや当日のスタッフたちへメッセージをお願いいたします。
● Please provide your input on the wedding ceremony site and/or the reception site
Mr. Umeki went above and beyond as our wedding planner. We really enjoyed working with him and Jakki. One of our favorite memories is the day we spent with Mr. Umeki and he showed us the Shrine, Reception Restaurant, Bridal Shop for our fitting, and cake shop locations and also introduced us to everyone there, which made everything feel more personal! Mr. Umeki also took us to a popular local Udon restaurant and it was nice to experience a different side of Kyoto! Thank you so much!!
● 現在、結婚式場(又は、プロデュース会社)を検討されておられる方々へアドバイスをお願いいたします。
● What was your overall experience with our company and Please write a message to the couple who are currently looking for the wedding ceremony site and/or wedding produce company.
We highly recommend choosing Create-Wedding Inc, our wedding day felt magical and stress free because of their hard work, organization, communication, and hospitality. Our family and friends still talk about how amazing that day was and how amazing all the staff and locations were!