8月10日 豊国神社にて挙式を挙げられましたお客様より、メッセージをいただきました。

新郎様(Austin 様)/ 新婦様(Rosemary 様)
挙式 / 豊国神社
祝宴 / 嵐山周辺

☆☆☆ メッセ―ジ ☆☆☆

● What was the important factor(s) in deciding to choose us over our competitors? 

easy to get in contact with, friendly service.


● Please provide your input on the wedding ceremony site and/or the reception site.


Beautiful site and stunning views.


● Please give us your comment/message to your wedding planner.


Awesome experience would highly recommend.

● What was your overall experience with our company and Please write a message to the couple who are currently looking for the wedding ceremony site and/or wedding produce company.


very good experience. the wedding sites do not dissapoint.
